Tuesday, December 3, 2013


November 28, 2013

One year ago today I received an email that I will NEVER forget. It was from our agency asking us to please consider the file of this little boy. I remember the exact spot where I was standing when I saw my childs face for the first time. I also remember all the questions that suddenly flooded us too! Was he the one? Was this really our child? Were we HIS parents? I truly believe with all my heart that EVERY child has specific parents out there. We did not make our decision suddenly. It was something that required prayer. We needed an answer from God to confirm that we were the ones for this tiny little boy on the other side of the world! I will forever be grateful to my friends who gave me words of wisdoms and joined in prayer with us that we would have a clear answer. On monday morning I was calling the agency asking them what was the next step to bring OUR boy home.

It has been a whirlwind year for sure! But one I would do over again in a heart beat! There is not one doubt in my mind that God placed Kyle in his "tummy mommy" just for us! God had to give him the special need he had in order for us to be matched with him. It still amazes me the plans God has for us, IF we only listen!

Yes, we still get the questions..."Why China when we have so many children here that need to be adopted?" I always tell them "because thats where God told us to adopt from". God opened my eyes the other day as to another answer to give them... "If you child was in Texas (or any other state that is not the one you live in) and needed a way home...would you go get them and bring them home? or would you go pick up a child right down the steet from you?  NO questions asked...you would go get YOUR child. That is what we did! We got OUR child.

Kyle is doing great from his palate repair. He goes to speech twice a week and he is really improving. He has a small hole that has opened up, but they are going to watch it. Hopefully it will not effect speech and he can just have it repaired when he has his bone graft surgery around age 7. He loved Thanksgiving and we cant wait to see how Christmas goes.

thank you for all of your love and support this last year! We appreciate you more that you will every know.

I will close with a statement that Kyle made last night when we were talking about Santa.  I asked him if he was going to see Santa and sit in his lap? He said "yes momma" I asked was he going to cry "NO!" he says. Then came the moment that filled my heart beyond measure. I asked him "Kyle, what are you going to ask Santa to bring you for Christmas?". He then replied..."nothing momma. I just want to hug him"

Oh to know that he has everything he needs! Love, family and knowing he will never been alone again!

Happy THANKSgiving Y'all!!!
